And then there is the husky.
Sure, huskies like to play in snow. And many relish the opportunity to tie into a team of yowling brethren and race across a frozen lake. This is not, however their raison d'etre. No, as any human living with a husky will tell you, this breed has one--and only one--true reason for being: rampant destruction.
Now, as many of you know, Ari is only half husky. The rest of her DNA is Korean jindo, a dog known for being both serious and sensitive. Think of it as the angel on her right shoulder, the voice of reason in an otherwise devious mind. So Ari had to work extra hard--and extra long--before she was final able to embrace her full husky self. That's why our fellow dog bloggers were so thrilled with our recent soup incident. And why she has finally earned the highest possible honor for any husky: membership into HULA.
Needless to say, we were overjoyed when we received our notification. Here's what Queen Meeshka wrote:
"Dear Ari,
HULA membership requires a lot of dedication, evil plotting and planning, and finally; devious deeds to drive your humans insane. I had to say that when I read the tale of the soup... I piddled in the human woman's chair. It is so fiendish and clever that it would be an injustice not to welcome you into the HULA Hoop.
Display your certificate with pride... or rip it to shreds, whatever makes you happy, and welcome to the HULA Hoop.
Knowing Ari, the certificate will probably be shredded eventually. But for now, we are honored to display it here, along with our pride in a breed fully realized.
Do woo know how furry proud I am fur woo and of woo?
Khongrats Ari!
Welkhome to The HULA Hoop!
Congrats Ari! I hope you don't shred your wonderful award!
Congrats Ari!
It certainly is a proud moment, and an honor to bestow the award on your accomplishments.
Many more to come I hope.
There are tears in our eyes as we salute you with our paws for this distinguished husky honor. Fantastic job.
P.S. - We still do not see the direct evidence linking you to this crime, but to be honored like this makes it all worthwhile.
Is this like a gang thing? I mean 'what-up' with that? You do one drive-by souping and your 'in'? I guess that leaves goats out in the cold, huh? What if a goat wanted to be a husky? Is it possible? I've never tried soup. Could I do a drive-by Peanuting?
Welcome to the HULA hoop Ari! I'm so proud.
Huffle Mawson
It's a proud, proud day indeed! Welcome to the club Ari!
Congratulations Ari!
I know you must be very proud!
Kisses and hugs
Congrats, Ari. The soup story was great. We still haven't been able to earn our certificate but one of these days.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Congrats Ari! I don't think woor human knows that woo know not to shred such an important award!
Congrats Ari....you definitely earned it! Doesn't it feel good to be devious sometimes! :)
Hi Kathryn & Ari
I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately but my Mum and my brother Scooby have been hogging the laptop fur his new business and blog http://lookinfurlovewithscooby.blogspot.com/ He is still looking fur pups to follow his blog (even if they are not single) to help spread the word about these pups Lookin' Fur Love.
So now I am spending today stopping by ALL my friends blogs and saying Hi :) and catching up on all your news.
Big licks to you
Congratz Ari
Well done!!!
You must be so proud!
thanx for stopping by my blog,it's a true honor!!!
Hope we can become friends
Oh Ari we are so proud of you for winning that award. You certainly do deserve it..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congratulations Ari! You look very pleased with yourself...
Congrats! Just found your blog and looking forward to following your evil adventures and coming up with some of my own!
Davey the puggle (www.pestkaj.blogspot.com)
Welcome to the Hula Hoop!
Welcome to the Hula Hoop, Ari! You totally deserve it!
Steve and Kat
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