High: 40 °F
Low: 28 °F
Conditions: Freezing rain turning to snow.
Total accumulation: 2 inches.
This picture was taken the second week of March, 2006. Ari was four months old, and we had just embarked upon our very first field trip. Our destination was Mt. Waldo, a 1500 ft granite pluton with stunning views of the coast.

The baby Ari wasn't too interested in those views, but that didn't prevent her from exploring every edge of the mountain top, where--frankly--we were a little afraid her gigantic ears might launch her into orbit. Happily, though, the only thing taking off that day was her canine naturalism. It hasn't touched down since.
This week, we decided to celebrate the anniversary of Ari's field trip by recreating it. None of us had been back to Mt. Waldo since, and we were eager to see how it--and we--had changed.
The view from the top was still lovely, though we had to work a little harder to find it, since this group of beech seedlings have taken root since we first visited.
Once we reached the summit, we tried to recreate our early photo, but a certain someone was too interested in building herself a snow cave (or, more likely, digging for a few fox scat appetizers).
We tried to persuade Ari that what she really wanted to do was pose for a photo, but we didn't have much luck. And, this time around, we had considerably fewer choices, too. The baby Ari weighed in around 20 pounds and, even with the wiggling, could be held long enough to pose for a photo. The three-year-old Ari, on the other hand, weighs in at over twice that. And she knows better than to be caught long enough to be held, let alone picked up. So we had to settle for this image:
Definitely not a perfect re-creation, but probably a fitting one nonetheless. Ari is very much a grown up now. And she has more personality (and will) in one of those ears than most mammals have in their own bodies. Why should our photo do anything other than reflect that?
Happily, not everything has changed. Somewhere in all of this grown-upness is a dog who still values a good romp in the snow.
Not to mention a sunset on the way home so spectacular that, for the first time that whole day, persuaded her to stand still.

Well, we all think that picture woo DID get is just so sweet. And that last one - just breathtakingly awesome. What a sunset.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I wonder if Ari is one of the youngest graduates of the SZK Skhhool of Photographikh Posing?
Grrrrrreat sunset!
Aaww...what a lovely trip down to memory lane. Any, the caninaturalist got it right...Dig wins over posing anytime, esp when it involves tantalizing scents with a possible treat at the end :-)
The pictures are wonderful, your adventure is too, and the last photo of the sunset is the frosting on the Cake!
Betcha' ya' can't pick her up like that now. Betcha! Betcha!
Pawsome sunset!
Big licks to you
Good girl Ari...you cant help being excited to be back to that great spot. Love the sunset and I hope the snow melts soon.
The sunset is just stunning.... but then so is Ari! Ha rooo, great pictures!
Play bows,
Re: photo no. 1, so what are the hours when trespassing is allowed?
What a lovely trip!
Fantastic photos.
Oh what a cute pup you were.. Looks like you had a wonderful time in the snow.
We love the last picture....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Harrrrr Ari
What a great trip Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
I think Ari looks just as cute on this Waldo visit as the last.
Happy anniversary Ari! And that photo of the sunset would have been enough to stop me too.
Huffle Mawson
I just found your blog and I love it. Dogs really know how to live! Looking back through older posts, I paused at the one for Feb 11. I'd swear what you thought was a bobcat track was that of a snowshoe hare: 2 little front feet placed one behind the other, 2 fat furry feet coming forward of the front paws. Bobcat's paws are all about the same size. But it's hard to tell from a photo. The important thing is, you're out there looking. Come visit my blog at saratogawoodswaters.blogspot.com and see some of the stuff I find in my walks.
What a delight! And I can't wait till the book arrives.
So adorable!!! And such beautiful scenery! No wonder she is such a canine naturalist growing up with views like that!!!!
Hi Ari,
Snow tunneling is much more fun than posing for pics. Come on hoomans!
What a beautiful place & memories. Thanks for sharing--
kisses, tula
Ari at 4 months old was adorable!
Thanks for sharing all those beautiful pictures!
Kisses and hugs
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