This past week, Ari and I travelled to the television studios of "207" for an interview about our new book. Here's a link to the clip (in which Miss Ari shows that huskies can go out of their way to avoid appearing on moving, as well as still, film):
Oh, BRAVO!, Kathryn and Ari. However, you need to tell the television guy that Peanuts would probably have kept Ari much more attentive. :) I know it would me.
That was SOOOO khool!
Great khlose-up of my two favourite Maine main girrrrl friend/furiends!
PeeEssWoo: Love the shirt kholour choice!
Oh, wow. Great job, Ari! I love how you totally blew off what the bipeds were doing - unless that host was giving you hot dogs. I thoroughly enjoyed your performance.
Oh... and your mom did pretty well, too. Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
I agree,with the ever cool Zim that it was a great show. It was fun to watch your lovely and animated face, and fun to watch Ari trying to figure out where the chewable wires were.
Great interview. You both handled yourselves so well. Congrats.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Wow, what a wonderful interview! I can't believe they didn't let you talk though? Hey, but at least you got the host guy to feed you hot dogs!!! You and your mom both looked beautiful!
Wow, that was a great interview! Ari, you are such a star! And Kathryn, I must read your book now! After hearing you talk about it I am so intrigued and it sounds wonderful! It truly is amazing the world that a canine can open up to us. :) So, where can I order your book from?
What a great interview. Ari, you are the totally cool superstar. We kept waiting for you to tell us your point of view.
Great job!
The interview was pawesome!
He was very nice giving you treats!
Kisses and hugs
Harrrrr Ari
The camra could not get enough of you Harrrr. what a great news story Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n was impressed that you did not come to the goofy news guy unless he had a hot dog in his hand Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Piate
Great video of both of you! Ari's focus on the foodables is wonderful...Oh, and the book is fantastic. I've passed it on to other people already! Will there be a sequel?
That was interesting. Ari sure is restless but well-behaved.
I'm having problems streaming the video Kathryn!! AHHHH!!! The new DSL isn't doing so well. Way to go though, my cousin Julie in Gorham told me she saw you on the news. Proud of you both!!!
Kathryn may have done the talking but we all know who the star of that interview was!
Huffle Mawson
That was excellent - you both put in a great performance. Two natural stars.
Thumbs up Kate! Great interview, though why did the host not give you any hot dogs?
Good luck with the signing in P-town, we wish we could be there.
Wow!!! We know real stars! How exciting!
Ari, were the hot dogs yummy??
Good job! Ari, you did a great job and your human did good too!
Wow, we know some famous dog and human!
Sam & June
Wow! You're famous!! I have to go read your book now too......you taught your human so much! Good thing she was able to document it all!
Luna and Sole'
Oh Ari your eyes look so beautiful. What a great interview. I would have had a hard time sitting for that long too.
Nicely done
Great job Ari!! I love how you just made yourself at home on the stage like you owned the place. I think I might have to get on TV if you get hotdogs!
PS. Your mom did a great job too.
Very nice work - our dogs would have trashed the set in three minutes ;)
This was an awesome interview. You and Ari did great. Ari did move around, but overall was really good. We loved your upbeat attitude and honesty while being interviewed. :) Great work!
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